Download epub to kindle
Download epub to kindle

download epub to kindle

Click on 'Devices', and in the next menu, select the option for the Kindle you want to send your document to. You'll see a toolbar with some options - you'll likely currently be on 'Content', which should be followed by 'Devices'. From here, select 'Your Devices' from the block to the left. In the UK: likewise, click or hover over the 'Account and Lists' option on the top-right of the Amazon home page. Click or hover over this, then find 'Your devices and content', which was in the bottom-left for us. In the US: to the top-right of the main Amazon screen should be an option saying 'Account and Lists'. Just note, the following steps are slightly different in different regions for versions of Amazon - we'll talk you through the US and UK guide, but if you're in another country, you might have to hunt around for options a little more. Head to the Amazon website (opens in new tab) and sign in first.

  • Eject the Kindle Fire from your computer once the ePub finishes downloading to your device.To get send PDF to Amazon Kindle devices, you're going to need to know your Kindle's email address.
  • download epub to kindle

    Otherwise, drop the file into the default "KINDLE/eBooks" directory. If this is the case, navigate to the reader app's special directory and paste the file there. Some reader apps have their own directories.

    download epub to kindle

  • Open a second file explorer or finder window on your computer and navigate to the location of your ePubs.
  • After the device is mounted to your computer, you should be able to navigate to the Kindle Fire's file system through a finder window on your computer. This can be done by swiping the slider on your device. Navigate to the Kindle Fire page that tells you that you can transfer files.
  • View Kindle Fire's file system on your computer.
  • Connect the Kindle Fire to your computer.
  • If you already have ePub books on your computer, you can transfer them to your device using a USB cable.

    Download epub to kindle